Version 12.5 no longer receives product updates in the form of hot fixes or patches. Patch 12.5.17 is the final patch for this version.
In This Article
Download the latest Version 12.5 patch
This link will download the Version 12.5 patch as a zip file. This file doesn't need to be extracted as the software extracts the zip file as part of the process while applying the patch. Review the Patching Process Overview article.
Version 12.5.17 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- New Export All feature for form responses allows you to export all form responses as a .csv, instead of being restricted to just the current page.
Form Response Export All
- A new Export All feature for form responses is now available. This allows you to export all form responses for the current filter (or all responses if no filter applied) as a .csv, instead of being restricted to just the current page.
- Pressing enter when editing the serial number runs wrong validation.
- Improve Exchange Web Service setup screen.
- Remove ON/OFF indicator for Site Search in Admin > Setup > Settings
- Fix element undefined error when impersonating employee and registering for training course.
- Text of past events on event calendar print color view grayed-out and difficult to read.
- Removing advertising does not work for advertised documents.
- Background image covering pending approval items in documents
- Fancy box doesn't come up in Image Gallery in sub site
- If document has quotes in title, the read/confirm list export gets error or corrupt file.
Events Calendar
- 700312AM as Event start time is not accepted
- Client-side JavaScript rendering improvement for large form responses to prevent slow script warnings.
- Allow users to export full form response data to CSV with potential warning of implications.
- Permissions error when re-saving or trying to submit draft form responses for those with only form view rights.
- SQL query field in online forms does not populate on the search screen "Fields" section.
- Item count displayed does not match actual number of files in folder.
- Test forms with scored fields containing deleted options that were marked correct cause issues with scoring new submissions.
- Formbuilder: UserData fields not populated when based on trigger.
- Apostrophe in email address fails.
- Top navigation text alignment is off for IE9 browsers.
- Design > Advanced Editor > Item Font Bold checkbox does not reflect state.
- Delete Icon on Menu Item goes to delete entire Section.
- Don't populate URL field in Link table for internal links
Support Desk
- Unable to assign Technician in certain circumstances.
- Variable DSELECTEDDATE is undefined.
Version 12.5.16 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Performance improvements for installations with thousands of form responses.
- Top menu will now expand vertically when menu text wraps due to fixed menu section widths
- A new Export All feature for form responses is also available as a post patch hotfix. This allows you to export all form responses as a .csv, instead of being restricted to just the current page. Please see full article for details.
Patch 16 greatly improves Online Forms (Formbuilder) performance for customers who have thousands of form responses. This includes navigating inside of the Online Forms application, as well as filling out forms. Part of these improvements includes adding new indexes to the database. It may take up to 10 minutes after the patch is installed for Formbuilder performance to improve. Once finished, you should see must faster response times when working with forms.
Active Directory
- Connection settings now support Admin Usernames in domain\username and formats.
- Fixed issue where if exactly one user is added to a group, user was not being added to group on sync.
- Fixed missing help link for pages.
- Apps with RSS feed widgets added can be now be deleted without error.
- Fix JavaScript error when viewing an item.
- Fixed error when a blog is deleted with more than one contributor.
- Blog admins now have access to the settings tab.
Company Store
- Fixed error when same item added to cart more than once.
- Fixed issue when adding new push subscription by folder.
- When sorting by First Name, Last Name, now correctly does secondary sort by Last Name
- Email addresses with single quotes are now considered valid.
- RSS feeds based on Events Calendar app now include short description.
- Removed blue * from user interface indicating which fields are indexed by search
- Changing user permissions to particular folders now returns much faster.
- Links to uploaded files added to a spreadsheet control in a form now link correctly.
- Made a number of fixes to From Summary view that was preventing results from being shown.
- Fixed error in exporting responses for users with limited security rights
- Fixed issue with export when some field name labels are subsets of other label names
- Fix issue when exporting form responses submitted anonymously
- Form performance improvements to prevent timeouts on submission.
- Improved form clone function to prevent long string truncation.
- Closed security hole on mobile web site which allowed users to see forms they don't have permission to.
- Fixed issue where regex expression for field validation was not being displayed in design mode.
- Show all text in mega menu when text wraps to second line to due to column width
- Fixed issue where some internal links in menu would cause errors.
- Fixed Internet Explorer 10 issue when editing status on profile page
Mega Menus
- When the text of a top menu header exceeds the fixed menu section width set in the theme, the top menu will now expand vertically to accommodate up to 3 lines of text.
- Fixed issue adding yourself to waitlist if the training application was cloned from another training application.
- UI change to make arrows in Training application consistent with rest of site.
- Allow changes to training calendar course when no sessions added.
- Fixed issue where submitting a Quick Poll threw an error.
- Fixed issue where weather widget was not updating.
- Fixed issue in displaying Saved Report.
Version 12.5.15 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Anniversary look-up page in Employee Directory now shows new employees and anniversary year.
- New "not equal to" option for workflow stage triggers.
- Fixed error when creating or managing departments
- Allow App Owners to delete Color Code in Calendar app.
- Resolved issue where alerts created by admins were not being delivered to users.
- Fixed file migration utility issues in Railo
- Pressing enter now saves changes to tag group name.
- Fixed issue with welcome email having the wrong user for reset password.
- Update Web Location now less database resource intensive.
- Fixed issue where comments widget was not displaying author and date
- Number fields in appbuilder now storing using double instead of float to prevent precision issues.
- Made the "employee number" field available to display on employee cards.
- Fixed a bug with employee managers not being able to add employee tags.
- Fixed directory search to allow division filtering with IE11.
- Show all employees under Work Anniversaries.
- Search by response number now allows to export to PDF, CSV, etc
- Form responses previous saved as draft did not retain approval trigger information.
- Fixed issue where form summary view was displaying the results
- Fixed issue where exported form responses results in too many columns for users with view form response permissions
- Add support for forms with only spreadsheet sections.
- Fixed issue with filtering by user when viewing responses.
- Fixed error when exporting Form responses to Excel
- In approval history export, Approval History column now includes time as in previous versions
- Fixed issue where using a trigger to display field in a test was displaying the answer
- Notifications emails coming from wrong user when notification stage contains external email.
- Forms Responses “Filter By User” drop down menu displays disabled users
- Not Equal For Workflow Stage Triggers
- Fixed issue where submitting a poll while reloading the current page caused duplicate form responses
- Discussion reply with a file upload was causing an error indexing the file
- Fixed error when viewing a page with only view rights
- Fixed issue with security being too restrictive when viewing applications inside secured sites
- Fixed issue in saving link changes with Bookmark Widget
- Better support for FireFox 37.0.2 and later with CKEditor source view
- Made spacing of icons consistent when used in title of menu widgets within a mega menu
Photo Album
- Fixed an issue in some environments the images were showing as text in the viewer.
- Fixed issue where link not available to regular users when pointing to resources in view secured folders/categories.
- Training icon for registration now hidden on the weekly or daily calendar if registration is disabled.
- Fixed error when registration is disabled and no number entered for class size.
- Fixed issue where email notification for course change appears blank
- Restored ability to set icon for menu widget item.
- Tags widget now working correctly in the side navigation of any page contains tags quick form.
- Fixed issue when searching with What's New Archives.
- Fixed rendering issues with ratings widget
- Fixed duplicate display of calendar item in Application feed widget when no time specified.
- What's New widget now shows items immediately, even when database and application times are slightly different.
- Calendar widget feed no longer showing "true" in error if no time is selected.
- Fixed issue where saving a home page with dozens of expired message box widgets throws an error.
- Removed "divide by 0" error if setting item count to 0 in anniversary widget.
- Fixed issue where user defined groups were not available in to be added.
- Edit approval now based on the current folder not the original folder.
Version 12.5.14 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Conflict checking in Calendars was checking against recurring declined items
- Viewing form responses now consistently sort newest to oldest
- Disabled now hidden when assigning page ownership rights.
- Text when copying a folder adjusted to say, "you are about to copy" instead of "you are about to move"
- Fixed error during orphan profile merging when some records were previously imported from .csv and CreatedDate was not set.
- Respect user's background theme color in asset page, in addition to their font color.
- Security groups can now be assigned page ownership rights.
- Prevent users who are restricted from accessing a site from being able to subscribe to alerts on applications within the site.
- Fixed issue when trying to set the Publish Date field when importing records into Appbuilder via .CSV import.
- Updated .CSV App Builder Import to respect link settings for title (open item versus open file)
- Ensure version number assigned to a new file using file versioning has the correct value when previous versions have been deleted.
- Prevent customers from deleting themes are the currently in use by a site, when modifying the theme of another site.
- Fixed issue where users set with "global permissions do not apply" were seeing links in the left menu navigation to items they don't have access too.
Company Store
- Fixed issue where content in a context box were not being displayed.
Company Blog
- Show blog publisher photo even if they don't have an employee record.
- Enabled the ability to delete departments which have "generic" in the name.
- Tags now wrap properly in IE 9.
- Fixed error with conflict checking with recurring events when no workflow is defined.
- Updated Build Tool positioning to support screens with lower resolutions (vertical).
- Fixed issue with displaying response summary when pagination is turned on.
- Fixed issue when exporting form responses, when custom column field names have been changed.
- The default sort order when choosing to view form responses (immediately after submitting a response) has be set to sort descending by submission date.
- Exporting of form responses now respects filter settings.
- Fixed issues where in some cases, sorting dropdown options alphabetically was not working.
- Added Last Edited On and Last Edited By fields to form export options.
- Updated formula field to be able to use values from radio buttons and drop downs inside of a spreadsheet control.
- Fixed issue with regular expression validation when re-entering a field.
- Fixed issue where labels of system fields were not appearing in table view.
- Modified mileage calculator to show addresses is shorter format.
- Fixed issue in form response export when one or more fields have the same name.
- Performance when loading forms with a large number of fields and responses has been improved.
- Empty formula fields no longer cause JavaScript issues.
Form Workflow
- Added check to ensure approval stage as an approval manager set.
- Fixed issue when responses could not be re-submitted once reset when there is a trigger on the workflow.
App Workflow
- Items declined in content approval are now properly published as re-submit.
- Assigning a new home page properly clears home page cache.
- Advanced search now maintains search criteria when navigating between pages.
- Moderators of page comments now receive email notifications.
- Fixed link issue when clicking Department name in search results.
- Fixed issue in changing a menu link from an internal link to an external link.
- Editing a top menu with center align no longer shifts menu to the right when editing.
- Page owners now have correct permissions to add links to menu widget controls on the page.
- Registration confirmation email sent now correctly lists the dates for sessions with multiple dates.
- Fixed error when editing a course after instructions assigned to a course, but instructors are then turned off.
- New option added to not limit who can view and use the "register external users" link during course registration.
- Fixed issue with pictures not being shown in employee widget.
- Employee birthday / anniversary widget ignoring current day.
- Page owners can again edit widgets in their pages.
- Fixed issue displaying pages when birthday / anniversary widget has unexpected data.
- Fixed issue with display of recurring weekday events in calendar widget.
- Fixed RSS feed widget time zone conversions error in Railo.
- Added better support for different date formats for publish date in an RSS feed widget.
- Copying pages now correctly copy expired widgets.
- Turned off caching for Employee profile widget if anniversary option is selected.
- Fixed issue when clicking "view more" link in What's New widget.
Version 12.5.13 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Conflict checking in Calendars was checking against recurring declined items
- For recurring event approvals, only the first day was visible after approval
- Multiple issues with CSV import into applications has now been resolved
- For customers with thousands of form responses, better response time for related pages
- A few employee fields set not to display in profile were still being displayed in the employee card view.
- Layout option link was incorrectly being show for non Appbuilder apps.
- Fixed issue with uploading employee photos using the CSV import too.
- Fixed foreign key error when deleting a site.
- Fixed an old link to site theme designer in administration screens.
- Fixed issue in Railo where Stats not correctly recording IP address of users
- During impersonation, if user get redirected to the login screen, impersonation will automatically be stopped after user logs in again.
- With Exchange Calendar Widget, now supports logins using "domain\user" instead of just email address
- With top frame menu links (admin, my profile, stats, logout) now respecting custom font size and font family settings
- AD sync no longer puts admin's name as author of employee records (which was showing up in search)
- Fixed issue where App Owners could edit widgets outside of the application
- Fixed issue with CF10.014 where HTML code was being rendered on Item labels
- CSV Import: imported items now have published date set, allowing them to be searchable by non-admin users (includes 6268)
- If published date is missing for any reason, still allow search results to be returned.
- CSV Import fixed to allow the import of graphics as well as files
- CSV Import now trims title to prevent truncation error message
- CSV Import no longer duplicates tags when same set of items uploaded multiple times
- Fixed error where item was displayed in What's New, when added using What's New widget, but Advertising Option is off for the folder
Company Blog
- Fixed formatting error on email alert.
Company Store
- Fixed error when trying to add Company Store to Application Feed widget
- Email icon now hidden in View Org chart if email field set not to display.
- Employee Number label changed to properly reflect it is an Admin only field.
- Fields on the employee card now following the same display rules as employee profile.
- Fixed error during employee search.
- EmployeeID field now available during Active Directory sync.
- Changes to user name in Active Directory now detected during scheduled task
- Fixed years of service calculation for sending anniversary message
- Inline editing of email addresses now strip out invisible characters
Events Calendar and Training
- Conflict checking in Calendars was checking against multiple day declined items
- Approval of recurring daily events was failing to approve all future events.
- Performance improvements when searching responses
- Fixed sort order of responses in pagination control when viewing an individual response
- Vertical list of checkboxes / radio buttons now aligned when exported to PDF
- Prevented the multiple submission of forms due to browser Back button.
- Fixed error with Build Tool where font style and color could not be changed
- Performance improvement when viewing list of pending approvals
- Mileage calculator location suggestions where slightly off
- Fixed error with anonymous forms when ignore folder level permissions option was turned on
- Exporting a large number of form responses to Excel no longer throws an error
- In Response Table View, sorting by a numeric field now sorts by number, instead of alphabetically (11 was coming before 2, etc.)
- Fixed issue when text not visible when editing a Mega Menu
- Fixed JavaScript issue with IE 10.
- Fixed issue with legacy "Just for Fun" application not showing in menu for users
- Fixed issue where ability to add new menu hidden when wide icon used in menu
- Fixed issue with tag searching
- Fixed registration email to prevent duplicate instructor email
- Restored missing icons on bookmarks widget for non-admin user
- Fixed training print view on Railo
- Fixed random ordering option in Application Feed widget
- Fixed issue with broken images on Profile widget
- Fixed issue with blank space shown for expired widgets in Railo
- Approval history now shows "Pending" for the next pending stage.
Version 12.5.12 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Due to performance issues, the navigation control to navigate between form responses is no longer available if you have sorted the table response view by any field other than System Date or Submitted By
- Update to latest Weather Widget API
- Prevention of editing pages in such a way that results in "Please wait" message never disappearing on subsequent edits.
- Fixed issue where widgets set to display in the future never displayed
- Secure LDAP (SLDAP) is now supported for Active Directory
- After a form is set to draft mode, approval managers can now still approve pending responses. The admin can also fill out the form while in draft mode.
- .ICS file generated by Add to Outlook icon in Events Calendar and Training can now also be imported to Google calendar
- Fixed CSV employee import mapping error when “,” in field name.
- LDAP over SSL (LDAPS) is now supported.
- In app builder, searching without enter keywords now returns all results instead of no results.
- Fixed error adding blog members.
- Fixed issue when publishing blog posts with subscriptions.
Company Store
- Fixed issue adding global view permissions to company store resolved
- Fixed issue setting permissions on company store.
- Fixed issue where Copied Site was using original’s theme instead of their own.
Events and Training Calendar
- .ics file generated after clicking Add to Outlook button can now also be imported into Google Calendar
- Fixed issue where updating recurring events with “Advertise Recurring Events” option on would cause all recurring events to immediately be displayed in What’s New widget.
- Performance improved when trying to approve calendar events with thousands of records.
- Deleted forms are now omitted from search.
- Radio buttons are now correctly displayed in PDF export of a form response.
- Form responses pending approvals are now still visible even after a form is set to draft mode.
- Fixed HTML codes being displayed in workflow notifications when site wide email option is set to message format: plain text.
- When viewing response table, sorting by dropdown field fixed to sort alphabetically.
- Enforced prerequisite of having at least one category when trying to create an approval workflow for a calendar.
- Secured sites now correctly display login page when user accesses the site using a bookmark.
- Cross Site Script vulnerability remedied in App search pages & WDSL functions no longer return function descriptions
Photo Album
- Fixed issue where download button always returned first image.
- Fixed issue where menu items would hide their text on hover.
- Fixed link in app header when displaying external links embedded in site.
- Fixed issue where background colors were different in design mode.
- Fixed issue where Build Tool Dialog became unmovable.
- Fixed issue where when choosing link for a menu item, two items where displayed on the same line.
- Fixed issue with menu widget item ordering in ColdFusion.
Page Designer / Widgets
- Fixed issue where “Please wait” never returns.
- Fixed error with weather widget for some locations.
- Fixed issue in Firefox where edit icon was not clickable.
- Weather widget now works on https secured sites.
- Fixed issue with category selection of application feed widget.
- Fixed issue where widgets set to display in the future where not being displayed at the appropriate time.
- Fixed issue preventing posting on a wall.
- Special characters will no longer generate errors during search.
Support Desk
- Fixed error managing a support desk form if there were not any users allowed to view it
- Fixed issue when publishing a form in support desk for cloned applications
Training Calendar
- Fixed issue in adding/deleting items in training calendar.
Version 12.5.11 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Cutting and pasting content from MS Word no longer breaks widget pages
- Links in emails regarding pending approvals fixed.
- When automatic approval is turned on, submitter is no longer notified of request
- Restored edit functionality of Daily Tips widget
- Employee cards now respecting fields marked as hidden for employee profile.
- In CF environments, ordering of top menu items greater than 9 has been fixed.
- Fixed error when trying to view approval managers when assigning elevated rights.
- Fixed error when deleting Appbuilder application with read confirmation feature enabled.
- Fixed error when assigning content permission to a group.
- Fixed error when assigning group permissions in feature applications.
- Removing the background image of a sub-site would delete the background image file of the home site.
- Hide birthday/Anniversary year field display option not respected on the create employee form.
- Finding all logins with site owner elevated rights was not returning any results.
- Bad link to item in notification emails of pending approvals fixed.
Appbuilder / Document Repository
- BAPPOWNER error when importing users from .csv fixed.
- In some ColdFusion environments, the "continue" button when importing data from .csv would not respond.
- Restored folder count missing from App home screen when using the "simple list' folder option.
- VERSIONING error fixed when setting home view to content layout
- WORKFLOWSETIDTEMPLATE error fixed when preview application layout change using flat folder list view
- Issue with open in new window vs. current window for uploaded files was fixed.
- Approval link in site alerts for events did not take the user to the event view page
- When editing color codes, existing color codes now show up by default, instead of having to click "add more" first.
- Resolved error when saving calendar events with recurring days.
- Blog design showing duplicate elements. Patch fixes the issue, but DB script needs to be run to remove duplicate elements.
Company Store
- Fixed error in adding new items to company store.
- Links to items from user alerts/notifications needed to be fixed.
- Advanced search screen in employee directory was displaying HTML code instead of HTML output.
- Employee card preview when editing fields as not respecting the hiding of some fields.
- When editing an employee, changing both the department and division at the same time would cause the division not to be saved.
- "Printed List" from employee directory now respects disabled fields.
- New wall posts in some environments were causing AJAX errors.
- When employee cards are sorted by First Name, Last Name, secondary sort by last name was not being performed.
Discussion Board
- Fixed error when editing a reply on a discussion forum post.
- Fixed error in submitting forms with workflow and private drop down fields.
- Fixed layout positioning of side-by-side toggled sections
- Fixed form approval dialog positioning on mobile devices
- Fixed JavaScript error during form load in ColdFusion.
- Fixed issue in drag and drop designer where dragged field not inserted in correct position.
- Form responses viewed via filtered search now correctly respecting "label above" feature and long lists of checkboxes.
- Remove requirement to enter a formula in formula field before it could be deleted.
- Invalid ASCII characters no longer prevent the editing of widget pages.
- Fixed security issue where chat feature would prevent session timeout security feature from working correctly.
- Automatic approvals no longer sent notifications to submitter
- Performance speed improvements in workflow queries
- Performance speed improvements in security checks
Job Center
- Corrected error workflow required supervisor approval, but the poster has no supervisor.
- Tags on content pages were not being saved.
- Secured page icon was being displayed on pages not secured.
- Restored option to show search toolbox on homepage only.
- Items missing from search results were restored.
Support Desk
- Allow support desk submitting when a list of users greater than 2100.
- Fixed error when creating a form in support desk.
- Some security groups were not being displayed for setting security.
- Fixed error when trying to save an empty daily tips widget
- Restored ability to edit daily tips widget
- Fixed display error in Whats New widget on non-home site
- Changes to application feed widgets sometimes resulted in primary key violation exceptions
- Menu widgets were rendered with incorrect padding on widget pages
- Fixed issue with relative image links in image widget and site's web root
- Added data from removed poll widgets to "Show all poll and results"
- Fixed display issue with employee profiles widget
- Fixed display issue with blog feed widget
- Fixed display issue with employee profile widget and double quotes in name
- Fixed issue with menu widget toggle when no left navigation
- Birthday widget's "show weekend events" only applies when single day display is selected.
- Edit widget link is now hidden after the first click, to prevent error where edit link was clicked when already in edit mode.
Version 12.5.10 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Automatic approval (when submitter is the same person as the approval manager) no longer sends notifications to the submitting user
- Fixed security permissions for page owners who are not site owners
- Fixed multiple issues with various widgets
- Increased timeout limit from 300 to 900 seconds when trying to download a patch.
- System will check for valid email addresses before sending welcome email message for new account.
- Admin will no longer be logged out when they stop impersonation when viewing user's alerts.
- BAPPOWNER error when app owner assigning permissions has been fixed.
- CLONEDMENUID error during scheduled process has been fixed.
- Non-site owners with permission to edit page rights no longer see error when viewing page permissions.
- Fixed issue where page owner could not modify permissions of home site page.
- Finding all logins with site owner elevated rights was not returning any results.
- Bad link to item in notification emails of pending approvals fixed.
Appbuilder / Document Repository
- BAPPOWNER error when importing users from .csv fixed.
- In some ColdFusion environments, the "continue" button when importing data from .csv would not respond.
- Restored folder count missing from App home screen when using the "simple list' folder option.
- VERSIONING error fixed when setting home view to content layout
- WORKFLOWSETIDTEMPLATE error fixed when preview application layout change using flat folder list view
- Issue with open in new window vs. current window for uploaded files was fixed.
- Approval link in site alerts for events did not take the user to the event view page
- When editing color codes, existing color codes now show up by default, instead of having to click "add more" first.
- Resolved error when saving calendar events with recurring days.
- Blog design showing duplicate elements. Patch fixes the issue, but DB script needs to be run to remove duplicate elements.
Company Store
- Fixed error in adding new items to company store.
- Links to items from user alerts/notifications needed to be fixed.
- Advanced search screen in employee directory was display HTML code instead of HTML output.
- Employee card preview when editing fields as not respecting the hiding of some fields.
- When editing an employee, changing both the department and division at the same time would cause the division not to be saved.
- "Printed List" from employee directory now respects disabled fields.
- New wall posts in some environments were causing AJAX errors.
- When employee cards are sorted by First Name, Last Name, secondary sort by last name was not being performed.
Discussion Board
- Fixed error when editing a reply on a discussion forum post.
- Fixed error in submitting forms with workflow and private drop down fields.
- Fixed layout positioning of side-by-side toggled sections
- Fixed form approval dialog positioning on mobile devices
- Fixed JavaScript error during form load in ColdFusion.
- Fixed issue in drag and drop designer where dragged field not inserted in correct position.
- Form responses viewed via filtered search now correctly respecting "label above" feature and long lists of checkboxes.
- Remove requirement to enter a formula in formula field before it could be deleted.
- Invalid ASCII characters no longer prevent the editing of widget pages.
- Fixed security issue where chat feature would prevent session timeout security feature from working correctly.
- Automatic approvals no longer sent notifications to submitter
- Performance speed improvements in workflow queries
- Performance speed improvements in security checks
Job Center
- Corrected error workflow required supervisor approval, but the poster has no supervisor.
- Tags on content pages were not being saved.
- Secured page icon was being displayed on pages not secured.
- Restored option to show search toolbox on homepage only.
- Items missing from search results were restored.
Support Desk
- Allow support desk submitting when list of users greater than 2100.
- Fixed error when creating a form in support desk.
- Some security groups were not being displayed for setting security.
- Fixed error when trying to save an empty daily tips widget
- Restored ability to edit daily tips widget
- Fixed display error in Whats New widget on non-home site
- Changes to application feed widgets sometimes resulted in primary key violation exceptions
- Menu widgets were rendered with incorrect padding on widget pages
- Fixed issue with relative image links in image widget and site's web root
- Added data from removed poll widgets to "Show all poll and results"
- Fixed display issue with employee profiles widget
- Fixed display issue with blog feed widget
- Fixed display issue with employee profile widget and double quotes in name
- Fixed issue with menu widget toggle when no left navigation
- Birthday widget's "show weekend events" only applies when single day display is selected.
- Edit widget link is now hidden after the first click, to prevent error where edit link was clicked when already in edit mode.
Version 12.5.9 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Faster load times on Admin Setup screen.
- New category/sub-category date conflict option has been added to Events Calendar, suitable for divisible room bookings
- Updating of items will now no longer causes the displayed item in application feed widgets or what's new feed widgets to change position
- Simple theme edit icon in header was not clickable
- User & group permissions report entries for Support Desk form view linked to incorrect admin screen
- App toolbox not showing when a site layout with no site header is selected.
- All web service calls should timeout if longer than 1 second and we shouldn't call the maintenance expiry check if web services are turned off
- Correction to creation of FK in creating applications
- Corrected an error submitting the properties form for recipes
- Cannot assign site owner permissions using assign elevated rights utility in Security area of admin site
- Two frame layouts should not render a global top navigation area
- Appbuilder items pending approval and set to advertise do not show in Whats new after approval
- IE and Firefox was not displaying the background of an embedded media after editing
- Appbuilder multiple file upload does not respect title field link option when uploading files
- There was an error attempting to check in a file in Appbuilder if there was edit approval workflow and a stage without a user
- Restoring an Appbuilder field was not doing anything
- App feed widget settings are not retained at sub folder level
- Site owners are unable to create/manage blogs for sites that they own.
- Blogs screen to manage user & group members was incorrectly populated in secured sites
Employee Directory
- Error in Org Chart when user set as their own Supervisor (from AD)
Discussion Forums
- Publishing to discussion forum categories with advertising disabled resulted in an exception
- Added another conflict checking option to Events calendar for sub-dividable resources (eg. room with two sides)
- Events had an error editing an item that used to be a series
- Default value data for option type fields caused issues with triggered sections
- Browsing form responses using a table sort on a custom form field caused an error
- Radio or checkbox fields with numerous options could cause rendering issues in HTML or PDF formats
- jQuery UI upgrade introduced case-sensitivity to some events breaking multiple usage of mileage calculator in forms
- A declined response was not able to be resubmitted
- Private fields in forms sometimes caused issues with PDF/email export of response data
- Correction to the permissions in workflow for stage edit
- Fix AD sync issue related to users disabled in AD
- Fix CF 8 bug.
- Add 100px of padding to the layout container to accommodate a calendar control placed at the bottom of the page in a fixed layout.
- Error when adding RSS feed with no title.
- Error after upgrade with links that used to redirect
- Top frame logo, icons, and search layout should be the essentially the same as previous version
- When "Global permissions do not apply" is enabled for a user that user is unable to preform a global search.
- Preview close and application edit icons overlap when previewing an app builder layout.
- Applications that have no globally viewable folders in a secured site should not show in navigation for users with site view access only
- Application of security on global navigation was skipping first menu section
- Cannot Generate User Permissions Report for Admins
Job Postings
- Corrected an error when submitting a resume when ratings is disabled
- Moving pages drop down is cut off when editing pages near the bottom of the browser
Support Desk
- Security popup for Support Desk form with several entries was not scrollable
- Public forms were not visible to non-admin users and users without any rights to any secure forms could see all forms (secure or public).
- The support desk publish dialog cuts off the right side the dialog content including the publish button.
- Site owners unable to add pages to their site
- Menu the color associated with the header of the subsite menus disappears when a new site is added
- Encounter error printing training calendar using the printer icon.
- Default target behavior in Appbuilder not represented on what's new/app feeds widget.
- Messagebox table does not align center when the property to center it is set.
- Flash/video files overlap menu and build tool
- Application feeds with a blank Item Count would generate an error
- Custom code and message box widgets using JS document.write cause issues with edit interface
Version 12.5.8 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Fixed error where export of form response as PDF may include approval history from another response
- Fixed error when trying to edit pages in CF8
- Typo in warning popup when user moves parent page in the hierarchy
- Script for deletion from EmployeeWallFavorite was not covering all the cases.
- Form fields on a form response are not populated due to a js error.
- Correction to the pdf export showing approval history, it was displaying the wrong history.
- Widgets are not expiring on pages when the end date passes.
- For some users the session.user.issiteowner variable is not populated when they first visit the site and the error to the right occurs.
- The left nav is not showing up on mobile browsers.
- Add bidirectional lang plugin to CK and configure toolbar groups similar to 11.5
- Site search encounters error in searching for items when on Verity.
Support Desk
- Creating a Support Desk application caused an error
- Corrected an error applying security to a form in support desk
- Menu Widget Editing, CF 8 issue resolved
- Fix an issue where mobile users are redirected to the home page when clicking on a link pointing to a mobile page from a non-mobile site using a mobile browser.
Version 12.5.7 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Performance improvements.
- Added a data import utility in the administrative interface for applications based off of Appbuilder.
- Added the ability to exclude archived items from site-wide search results in the administrative interface for applications based off of Appbuilder. The feature is Toolbox > App Admin > Properties > Site Search.
- Resolved an error related to adding a group as a folder owner.
- Resolved an error related to the removal of a mailbox from the Exchange synchronization configuration interface.
- Resolved an error related to the link included in the password reset email notification.
- Resolved an error related to the "Remove AD Disabled Users" dialog pop-up offered on the AD synchronization configuration interface.
- Resolved an issue related to the statistics module failing to track hits on links to external sites.
- Resolved an issue related to the disabled AD users remaining active in Intranet Connections.
- Resolved an error related to the creation of a new application based on a blank template.
- Resolved an issue that resulted in unexpected behaviour when the Title field was set as the header in the Item View of an application.
- Resolved an issue related to users not receiving email alerts for folders in Appbuilder-based applications.
- Resolved an error related specifically to ColdFusion 8 environments when trying to load the Home View of an Appbuilder application.
- Resolved an error related to the modification of the setting that controls how long an employee remains on the What's New widget after being advertised.
- Resolved an issue resulting in the removal of tags for recurring events when a child event was modified.
- Resolved an issue related to private fields in spreadsheet sections not being saved in draft form properly.
- Resolved an issue related to double-quote symbols appearing when exporting a form result set to an Excel spreadsheet.
- Resolved an error related to the submission of a form with a workflow that includes a notification stage that has the 'Send email notifications from the submitting user rather than from the system administrator.' setting enabled.
- Resolved an issue related to form results being ordered incorrectly when pagination was enabled.
- Resolved an issue related to users with the 'Global Permissions do not Apply' setting enabled not being able to view the landing page of the home site.
- Added Blackberry 10 detection to the mobile-friendly site.
- Resolved an issue related to top navigation menus that exceeded the available real estate (width of the site).
- Resolved an issue related to the name of the site appearing twice in the breadcrumbs when accessing a site's child-page.
- Resolved an issue related to site owners not having access to the expected administrative options in their Toolbox menu.
- Resolved an issue related to disabled users appearing in the reporting sections of the Training Calendar.
- Resolved an issue related to older content appearing at the top of an Application Feed that was selecting from multiple Discussion Board, Photo Albums or Appbuilder applications.
- Resolved an error related to the modification of links in a Menu widget on a Widgets Page.
- Resolved an AJAX error related to viewing the event details of an event synchronized from Exchange.
- Resolved an issue related to the height setting not appearing as expected in the settings of widgets.
- Resolved an issue related to Message Box widget changes not saving properly.
- Resolved an issue related to the Application Feed widget not displaying photos pulled from a Photo Albums application as expected.
- Resolved an issue related to modifications being made to the Site Tasks widget when placed in the site navigation column.
- Resolved an issue related to the last two widgets in a three-column layout swapping places after saving.
Version 12.5.6 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Significant performance improvements for sites with a large number of menu items in the left navigation pane
- New advanced option in workflow designer allows automatic approval of content/forms if approval manager is the same as the submitting user. Only applicable when approval manager is sole approving authority for workflow.
- Permissions popup error when trying to apply category permissions
- Batch permission management popup when managing category security was broken
- Toolbox options have incorrect links when no folder context in Formbuilder approval view
- Automatically approve items if the submitting user is the manager of the only stage
- Workflow user choice for all users should not show alert to select user
- Advertise options in should not display on input form by default before a folder is selected
- Users that are not employees should not show up in the direct reports list
- Could not edit picture of AD synced employee when HTML type field was mapped
- Printed List should show for anonymous users
- Print of colored events calendar encounters an error
- Calls to resize spreadsheet sections b/c of triggers to layout change should remember scroll position of section
- Folder errors when the category list passed to it is empty.
- Marketplace error - corrected scope of variables that was causing an error if advertise is off
- Discussion forum error when viewing items with pagination turned on
- Layout issues in IE7 with menus, widgets, etc.
- Login redirect fix and permission fix for globally restricted users
- Correction of special characters in the tags autocomplete
- Fixed permission checking algorithm with secured sites and made performance optimizations
- JS errors in IE8 and lower when editing workflow
- An error is thrown when attempting to edit a support form in the support desk app on a secured site.
- People show up as registered for employee training even if they have been removed from the system and no longer exist in user profile
- Menu builder not allowing linking to UNC file paths
- HTML editor (CKEditor) change plugin and event handling is slow in older browsers and with larger documents
- Daily tips widget should support rich HTML editing of tips
- Cannot edit site task widget security
Version 12.5.5 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- New Export All feature for form responses allows you to export all form responses as a .csv, instead of being restricted to just the current page.
- Permission check error when non-admin user tries to delete a folder
- Exit Admin link does not work in IE 9 and lower as table tags inside anchor tags are not respected
- There was an error copying a site
- Permission management at folder level not exposing add, edit, or delete permissions
- Corrected the site footer on the Appbuilder check-in form
- Blogs application titles should be prefixed with the site name
- Only enforce time validation on events if not recurring daily or weekdays
- Adding a user data field to a form and targeting the custom code field resulted in an AJAX error
- Error when adding file upload or link forms to folder with workflow enabled
- Formbuilder was not setting field heights correctly 100% of the time when laying out fields that did not span the full section width causing them to not line up correctly
- The default value should have displayed field on a trigger on loading the form
- Some pending items were being hidden after upgrade
- CKEditor is missing the custom insert media plugin
- CKEditor 4 with advanced content filter enabled prevents Insert Media from working and strips HTML from content
- Comments not loading, cannot be added or edited
- Menu hover issues on iOS Safari/ mobile browsers.
- There was an error saving a site theme
- Menu builder screen should disable scrolling to prevent build tool from being positioned outside viewable area
- Cannot edit sub site home widget page that had two widgets in the same box post upgrade
- Client had "" for categories in site advertising widget which caused an error "Invalid data null for CFSQLTYPE CF_SQL_INTEGER"
- Custom code widgets that throw an exception shouldn't prevent rendering of widget interfaces or editing of them
- Widget settings not saved correctly when aggregating Events and Training application data into a single widget
- Corrected the [show all] in blog and application selection for the feed widgets
- Error when the photo album widget was set to random
Version 12.5.4 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch contains a number of fixes across multiple applications.
- Support auto expanding of comments on items and fix issues with comments editor in Photo Albums
- Option to include/exclude employees from site wide search was not saving
- Folder security management error when folder owner removes permissions for users/groups
- Corrections to personal theme interface
- User cannot login on ColdFusion environments when global navigation is large enough and long text buffer on datasource does not allow for session rotation to occur
- Changes to menu color in simple theme editor not reflected in menu widgets when inheriting home site style
- Cannot turn off web services in Railo environments
- Stats should not limit date range selection to 90 days for day time frame
- Theme related error when determining color luminosity and an invalid hex color is entered
- There was an error copying a site
- Error when checking in document has been corrected
- Error when opening list of read confirm users if the title of the item has single quotes
- Pagination options for Appbuilder apps exhibits strange UI layout on IE 8
- Appbuilder search screen presented duplicate options in Toolbox for layout editing
- Fixed issues with edit interface for widgets in my profile area
- Directory header display option has error after uploading a graphic
- Corrections to delete icons in forms from search results
- Form responses were not displaying properly due to a checkbox that had a tab character in the option value
- Make sure the user defined selections are being passed to form response workflow
- Restart workflow after decline was not creating triggers
- Do not show folder approvals for deleted forms
- Activating hidden values on option type fields would give save error message upon first editing an option afterwards
- The default value should have displayed field on a trigger on loading the form
- Error updating a training course when no contact selected
- Script errors caused by custom code or message box widgets prevent widget edit UI from loading
- The Getting Started widget on new site home pages is ColdFusion encoded on Railo sites
- Wasn't able to add a link to a menu widget on a widget page
- Corrected the links from the widgets to the exchange settings
- Anonymous submission of survey poll widgets was not working
Version 12.5.3 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch contains a number of fixes across multiple applications.
- Error occurred when deleting an application (Forums or Training) because expected DB views did not exist
- Site owners should not be able to alter the home site theme (which is the intranet default for all sites)
- Application delete lock was being enforced even when it was turned off for an user who was not a super admin
- Non-super admin trying to delete site gets error related to app delete lock password when it is not turned on
- Inconsistent view styles and word wrap issues on scheduled blog posts
- User profile settings Site Colors area presented an error when opened
- Menu builder experienced JS errors b/c CKEditor was not properly destroyed when the build tool was closed/refreshed. Several bugs were fixed as well
- Menu builder should display scheduled and expired widgets in mega menus
- CKEditor used for rich HTML editing was experiencing JS errors when editing mega menus
- Users were seeing menu items that they didn't have permission to view any content inside of if all folders in an unsecured app were secured
- Wrong title displayed in What's New archives area when clicking "view more" from the widget
- Should not show validation warning on User Choice approval stages after managers have been selected
- Should see that there is an Advanced Options area even if you haven't configured any workflow
Version 12.5.2 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch contains a number of fixes across multiple applications.
- Invalid link to site-wide Icons from Site Design tab.
- Pages that display more than 100 subsites resulted in page load delays.
- Title fields configured to point to a file upload or link address field was not being migrated to the cloned version of the application.
- Stats module produced an error when attempting to create a tracking report.
- Non-admins were unable to delete applications when the application delete lock was enabled even after entering the correct password.
- Saving a declined form response resulted in an error.
- Approval managers were unable to view form responses requiring their approval unless explicit view access was provided.
- Date fields were not being saved correctly.
- Non-admins attempting to view the archives for What's New were encountering an error.
- Applications were not appearing as selectable options when adding new items to the menu.
- Pages with Message Boxes were resulting in the build tool to function unexpectedly.
- HTML Editor not initializing for Message Box widgets.