Navigation not only helps users access content throughout your intranet, but it also helps them to understand what information is available on the site.
There are two main types of navigation available for intranets: Global Navigation for every page, and Site Navigation for a specific site.
From the IC Blog
Not sure where to start with your navigation? Get users involved - they're the ones who will be using the intranet daily and need to locate information.
Card sorting is a very helpful method, learn more from this article from the UX review, Card Sorting - The Beginner's Guide.
Global Navigation
Global Navigation appears on every page of your intranet, typically along the top of the page, as shown in the example below.
To edit the Global Navigation, click the edit pencil on the right side of the top navigation, as shown in the image below. If you just want to edit the navigation, mouse over the area and follow the information for Edit Navigation.
Alternatively, if you don't have a top navigation and want to add one, you can access the edit options by:
- Navigate to Admin > Design tab
- Click Global Navigation
- Click the + icon to begin adding navigation
- Select one of the 3 options provided:
Note that it isn't possible to convert a Single Menu to a Mega Menu; you would need to create a new menu section of the type you want, then delete the unwanted type.
After making your changes click Save Menu at the bottom of your screen.
Edit Navigation
Regardless of the type of navigation, the editing process is very similar. Follow these steps:
- Access the edit interface for the type of navigation:
- For Global Navigation, click the edit pencil (far right) in the top bar then either mouse over the section or for Mega Menus click the widget edit pencil.
- For Site Navigation, click the edit pencil to the right of the name to Manage Site Navigation.
- As you mouse over existing menu items, you'll see options to either drag and drop (1) that item to a different position within the navigation; edit the item (2) to change its name, link, or icon; or delete the item from the menu (3). Note that if you delete the item you're only deleting it from the menu, and it still exists on your site.
To add a new menu item:
- Go to the bottom of your menu and click + New Menu Item.
- Choose whether you're linking to a Site, App, Page, or Link (you can switch back and forth if you change your mind).
- If you choose one of the first three, you'll be shown a list of all of that type of asset, grouped by Site name.
- If you're not sure what type of intranet asset you're linking to, just paste its link and the software will automatically fill in its name (which you can edit if you like).
- If you're adding a Link
- paste the URL in the Link Address field (1)
- add a text display name in the Link Name field (2)
- in the Link Target field (3), choose whether the link should open within the same window or in a new window (best practice for links external to your intranet)
- Click OK to confirm your menu choice.
- If you're done adding menu items, click Save Menu at the bottom of your screen.
Navigation not only helps users access content throughout your intranet, but it also helps them to understand what information is available on the site.
Note: The external Link has a view security option so you can control who can view the external link on the menu. Permissions for other items (Site, App, Page) are automatically managed via the security settings on the App/ Page / Site.