The mobile site is a limited access view of current intranet functionality that primarily focuses on employee interaction, accessing contact details and quick searching for content.
Your intranet will have a different home screen with a mobile view, similar to the layout shown below. Each icon links to mobile functionality which is different from the way you'd access intranet information on your computer. These icons are described in more detail later in this article.
Enable Mobile Intranet Site
To enable a mobile-compatible version of your intranet, in the Admin area on the Setup tab, click Mobile Site. Under Mobile Site Settings, click ON as shown below, and cellphones will be automatically detected and redirected to a mobile-friendly version of your intranet.
Note that the mobile view doesn’t use responsive design, meaning that the site won’t auto-adjust all pages to display in a mobile friendly format; also, only full site view is available for tablets. Clicking VIEW FULL SITE, lower right on the mobile layout, gives access to any intranet page using the standard menu or search (megamenus may not function optimally).
Cellphone Home Screen Shortcut
If you have many users on iPhones, you can also check the box for enable add to home prompt ((1) in below image), which will prompt users to add the site to their home screen. This prompt only shows for iPhones; for Android users to add the site to their home screen, they would need to be on the intranet home page on their cell phone, click the 3 dots top right, and select Add to Home screen.
When any type of cellphone user chooses to add the site to their cellphone home screen, the Mobile Icon in the image below (2) will be the display icon. To change this icon for your site, click the edit pencil beside the icon, browse for a replacement, click Open, and click Save to retain your changes.
Who Can Access
Your intranet can be accessed on a cellphone under the following conditions:
- your intranet site is internal only, but you're accessing the intranet using an internal or staff-secure wifi network
- your intranet site is internal only, but you have a mobile VPN solution to create a secure connection
- your intranet site has been externalized; learn more about externalizing in our Build an Extranet (Lockdown Guide) article.
Note that if a user is on an internal network but is not logged in, they may be able to access content such as directory, forms, documents, and search if your site doesn't have Site Level Login enabled. Learn more in the Login Security article.
Customize Mobile Design
For the mobile site design, the intranet site logo (i.e. top logo once logged into the intranet) and current header color will automatically be used.
If you want to customize your mobile design, you can edit it using the Advanced Theme Editor. Learn more under 'Mobile Theme' in our Design Tab: Advanced Theme Editor article.
Available Mobile Functions
Several Apps and screens have been designed with specific mobile functionality. Other Apps and functions without specific mobile design will show in a 'full site' view. Mobile compatible screens include:
- Initial log-in
- Quick shortcuts to common areas
- Directory search
- Wall
- Profile
- Alerts
- Bookmarks
- Documents and Forms landing page with search function
The mobile home page is shown below, with all available icons displayed. Note that icons can't be customized or added. However, if options such as Wall or Colleagues have been turned off, these icons will not appear for users; learn more about changing these social settings in the 'Directory Tab' article.
The function of each of the icons is detailed below by the numbers shown, along with examples of their layout.
- logo (1) - provides a link back to the mobile home screen from any mobile-designed page. If mobile users end up on the Full Site, this logo will not be displayed, but they can return to the mobile home screen by clicking a VIEW MOBILE SITE link provided.
- directory (2) - direct link to the employee directory, which is described in more detail under directory, below.
- grid icon (3) - this icon returns you to the mobile home screen with all icons.
The remaining icons and their functions are described below, in the order they appear on the home screen.
- profile - shows your personal profile so you can quickly view or update your status, as well as view your contact info, details, tags (if applicable), and organizational information such as your direct report supervisor/manager.
- wall - takes you to your personal wall on the intranet (1) where you can read or write a new post. You can also add comments, favorite, share a post, edit, and delete your own wall posts here, or access all your favorited wall posts (2).
- alerts - alerts for content you’ve subscribed to will show on the Unread tab (1). To see any previously viewed alerts, click the Read tab (2).
- directory - this icon (and the same icon in the heading) accesses the Directory as a quick button. This allows you to view the list of employees (1), departments, or tags (on employee profiles) used within your organization. Search options can be done by employee, department, or tags. When clicking on an employee’s name, you’ll see that employee’s profile (2) as shown below.
Click the Departments tab to select a department and view all employees in that department, as shown below (1). Click the Tags tab (2) to see what tags are used for employee profiles, as well as a number count beside each one telling you how many employees have that tag attached to their profile; click the arrow beside the tag to see the employees with that tag on their profile, similar to the departments screen.
- colleagues - Colleagues shows anyone you’ve selected to be your colleague. To add a colleague, locate the profile from the Directory icon, and click on the 2 star icons (1) on that user’s profile as shown in the images below:
- bookmarks – shows the links to bookmarked pages within the intranet (1), as well as a separate tab for links to external (i.e. non-intranet) websites (2). You can edit or delete both bookmarks and links.
- forms - clicking forms takes you to a search box, as shown below. Entering a keyword allows you to search through all items in the intranet's forms App, including Word and PDF forms; partial search terms aren't supported. When selecting a form from the results, you'll be switched to the full site view.
- documents - similar to forms, clicking documents takes you to a search box. Entering a keyword allows you to search through all items in all document Apps available to the user (i.e. main intranet site as well as team sites); partial search terms aren't supported. When selecting a document from the results, the file will open in its uploaded format (e.g. PDF, etc).
- search - similar to forms, clicking search takes you to a search box. Entering a keyword allows you to search through all intranet content available to the user; partial search terms aren't supported. When selecting an item from the results, you'll be switched to the full site view if it's an intranet page, or if it's a file it will open in its uploaded format.
- logout – allows you to log out of your current session of the intranet from your phone.
- VIEW FULL SITE – clicking this link takes you to the full site view (i.e. desktop version) of the intranet. Once you're in the full view, the VIEW FULL SITE button will be replaced by a VIEW MOBILE SITE button which returns you to the mobile home screen.