Tests can be used to assess employees' knowledge of a variety of topics.
Build a Test
Building a test is very similar to building a form or survey, and the same processes are followed. Review the basics of form building if you'd like a refresher:
- Online Forms Overview
- Create a Form: Details Tab
- Create a Form: Build Tab
- Create a Form: Security Tab
- Create a Form: Workflow Tab
- Create a Form: Views Tab
However, a test is different because there are right and wrong answers. With a test you can also:
- Create tests with automatic scoring on multi-select fields (radio, check box, drop downs).
- Have scores shown to users immediately after taking the test, with notifications of their score sent to users such as the employee's supervisor.
- Define scores for each field as well as passing score totals for the entire test.
- Create Question Bank sections to randomly display a selection of questions to prevent employees exchanging answers.
Indicate Correct Answers
Since this is a test to assess users, of course you'll want to indicate the correct answer for your radio buttons, check boxes, or drop downs. You can do this in one of two ways:
- The simplest option is to simply click on the right answer when you're editing your test on the Build tab.
- Alternatively, when you have the Build Tool box open for the field, beside Options click on the correct answer to edit it, click the checkbox beside Answer, and click the Save icon.
Test-Specific Form Fields
When you click add field in a test and select either drop downs, radio buttons, or checkboxes (each with an * beside its name), two additional values are available:
- (1) Score - what is the score, or the mark, that can be earned by the user with this question.
- (2) Explanation - if the user answered the question incorrectly, what text (if any) do you want them to see? This is an opportunity for you to present some knowledge guidance, the correct answer, or positive reinforcement. You can also leave this field blank.
On the Build tab, there are a couple of additional options for tests:
- (1) Passing Score - the score users must attain to get a passing mark rather than a fail. There is no requirement or rules for what is a "pass", and this score is is entirely up to the admin.
- (2) Possible Score - this is the maximum score possible on the test. This field is automatically calculated based on the scores you enter for each individual test question.
Video: Did You Know...
Add a Question Bank
A test also gives you the opportunity to add a question bank, which can minimize cheating by presenting a different version of the test each time it's taken. A question bank is a pool of questions that will randomly be included into your test, generating the same overall number of questions and points.
To add a question bank:
- On the Build tab click add question bank.
- The Build Toolbox appears, giving you the option to name this Question Bank, specify the number of questions to pull from the bank, and give the score for each question.
- Field Count - set how many questions from this Question Bank section should display in the form (i.e. if you have 10 questions per section, set this value to a smaller number to display fields randomly for each new submission)
- Field Score - This assigns the score value to each field within the section (i.e. if you set the value to 2, each question within this question bank section will have a possible score of 2). The total possible score will be displayed at the top of the edit screen
Once you've built your Question Bank section(s), you'll see a Possible Score reflected at the top of the form. You'll be required to set a Passing Score. This value should not equal the Possible Score unless it's required for submissions to get every question correct.
Learn more about adding question banks and randomizing questions by watching this video:
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