In This Article
Click here to download the latest Version 14.5 patch
This link will download the Version 14.5 patch as a zip file. This file doesn't need to be extracted as the software extracts the zip file as part of the process while applying the patch. Review the Patching Process Overview article.
Before installing a new patch, please stop the SQBoxTaskManager service on the webserver. After finishing the patch installation, you must start the service again. This step is especially important if you are using Windows Server 2008 R2 or older for the webserver.
Version 14.5.11 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Automated utilization data gathering
- Minor bug fixes
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and the new Edge (Chromium). All versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
If you are seeing messages about web services not connecting, or cannot obtain expiry information on your admin page, you'll also need to apply the certificate to Lucee for web services to connect.Click hereto learn how to add the certificate in Lucee.
1) Navigate to the Lucee Server Administrator by going to HTTP://YOURSITENAME/Lucee/admin/server.cfm
- Please contact Support for the default password
2) Choose SSL Certificates under Services
3) Enter into the Host field. The port is 443
4) Click install.
5) Reboot the intranet server, which is required for the cert to become active
Automated utilization data gathering
- Added the ability to automatically gather utilization metrics through the intranet's web services
- Data relates to actions taken by users on the intranet (e.g. login rate, number of views, number new items etc.)
- No personal data is gathered (names, email addresses etc.) only numbers from the intranet as a whole
- This gives us the ability to benchmark utilization, and provide customers with tailored advice to improve adoption
Minor bug fixes including:
- Active Directory sync issue for some customers
- Storyboard reordering
- Mobile form submissions
Version 14.5.10 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Fixed an issue where Employee pictures were missing on the Directory search results screen
- Tweaked Media Embed tool to use HTML5 player instead of Flash
- Toolbar updates now shows applicable patches
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and the new Edge (Chromium). All versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
1) Navigate to the Lucee Server Administrator by going to HTTP://YOURSITENAME/Lucee/admin/server.cfm
- Please contact Support for the default password
2) Choose SSL Certificates under Services
3) Enter into the Host field. The port is 443
4) Click install.
5) Reboot the intranet server, which is required for the cert to become active
Employee Directory
- Fixed: Regular users who add a photo should be able to edit it
- Fixed: Employees pictures do not display in Employee Directory search results
- Fixed: Restricted content on a secured site displayed for all users
- Changed media embed function to output HTML 5 video code instead of Flash
- Fixed: Folder tree not showing if Lucee Whitespace management is not on Smart whitespace management
- Increased the limit of Multiple File Upload from 25 to the "max number of files" set in the Manage Fields screen in Appbuilder admin
- Fixed: Error occurs when opening a help link relating to User Box Size
- Fixed: Permission issue with Training Calendar session control. Users are unable to add or edit session dates for their courses
- Fixed: TomTom directions pop-up remains above map
- Fixed: Patches available in toolbar updates shows multiple instead of the current version's latest patch and a notification for an upgrade for the next release
Version 14.5.9 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Updates TomTom Mapping APIs for mileage calculation field
- Fixed Webservices issues
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and the new Edge (Chromium). All versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
1) Navigate to the Lucee Server Administrator by going to HTTP://YOURSITENAME/Lucee/admin/server.cfm
- Please contact Support for the default password
2) Choose SSL Certificates under Services
3) Enter into the Host field. The port is 443
4) Click install.
5) Reboot the intranet server, which is required for the cert to become active
- Upgraded the TomTom Mapping APIs used by the mileage calculator field
Push Extension Integration
- Prevented empty lists from being sent to the Push Public API
- Ensured that Push sync is triggered upon application restart
- Fixed a user session management issue that prevented users from signing in
- Fixed incorrect maintenance expiry date
- Fixed an error that prevented the download of patches
Version 14.5.8 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Updates to Web Services
- Added the Push Extension integration
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and the new Edge (Chromium). All versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
If you have recently applied 14.5.8, you'll also need to apply the certificate to Lucee for web services to connect.
1) Navigate to the Lucee Server Administrator by going to HTTP://YOURSITENAME/Lucee/admin/server.cfm
- Please contact Support for the default password
2) Choose SSL Certificates under Services
3) Enter into the Host field. The port is 443
4) Click install.
5) Reboot the intranet server, which is required for the cert to become active
- Updated Web Services
- Fixed broken link to Scheduled Tasks from the right navigation
- Fixed issue where the user would encounter an error when deleting a site
Active Directory
- Fixed issue where AD Sync does not respect the current setting for Show Anniversary Year and Show Birthday Year setting for new employee profiles created through the Employee Sync process (this does not allow syncing anniversary or birthday dates from Active Directory)
- Resolved issue where Authentication Mode was set to Mixed mode after AD Connection was re-enabled
- Fixed issue where Employee number is visible on mobile view
- Resolved issue where comments don't show on Wall Posts
Push Extension Integration
- Resolved issues with Push Instance URL formatting
- Logging now available in the Application log when Push Instance connection fails
- Updates to information sent to Push from Intranet (e.g. Groups, Departments, Phone Number)
- Fixed issue where the Last Login indicator was not being updated correctly
Web Services
- Adjusted the number of calls to Web Services to limit the number of attempts to reach Web Services each time the page loads (resulting in slower page load times)
Version 14.5.7 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Resolved issues with Web Services not properly connecting
- Added integration with Push
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and the new Edge (Chromium). All versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
Push Extension Integration
- Added ability to connect to a Push instance (Tenant)
- Added ability to pull a list of people from Source (Intranet) to Push
- Push will receive updates of Employees deleted from Source
- When there is an active connection to a Push instance, you are unable to enable/disable 'Sync Department Security Groups'
Web Services
- Resolved issues with Web Services not properly connecting
Version 14.5.6 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch fixed several issues
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
- Added the capability to set a default password and bulk reinstating users when using the CSV Import Feature
Active Directory
- Fixed an error where admin or super admin rights got revoked after AD sync if the user is not a domain admin
- Fixed Error: can't cast empty string to a number value.
- Fixed an issue with Header Graphic that wouldn't turn off text name in Employee Directory > Display & Sorting settings
- Fixed issue with windows authentication where users would see a white screen when logging in
- Fixed broken User profile icon issues in several places
- Fixed issue in which changing Supervisor Elevated Right for a User, changes the username of the Supervisor as well the username for users assigned to the supervisor
Read & Confirm
- Fixed Mobile Version: Read Confirmation feature so that the choice is clear for the users
- Fixed download link on search results, allowing secure files to be displayed and downloaded
- Fixed issue where users provided a link to the App Admin setting for Read & Confirm allowed the user to be logged in as the user who provided the link
- Fixed issue where intranet (internal) storyboard links do not get updated after Web Location changes
- Fixes issue where the user can't add stories in storyboard from the page on a site
Version 14.5.5 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch fixed several issues
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
- Fixed an issue with session management that prevented some users from accessing the intranet unless they cleared their browser cache
Active Directory
- Fixed a user interface issue that would not respect the setting to grant Administrator rights for AD Domain Admins
- Fixed an issue that prevented a user with apostrophes in their name to be added as document reviewers on the 'Review On' tab, and to the list of users required to read on the 'Read Confirm' tab
- Prevented an error when deleting a site which uses the Storyboard feature
- Fixed layout issues introduced by Chrome version 75.0+
- Fixed an issue caused by including an apostrophe when searching for employees
- Fixed an issue where the profile pictures would disappear when changing user rights
- Fixed an error that prevented users with the proper rights to see private fields in the Responses Table View
Photo Gallery
- Fixed issue that did not allow users to drag and drop one photo at a time in the Dropzone
- Fixed a photo rotation issue
- Fixed an error where the system failed to upload some JPG photos
Read & Confirm
- Prevented read & confirm emails to be sent out to disabled users
- Resolved an issue on Microsoft Edge browser where PDF documents could not be visualized
- Fixed an error caused when the Read & Confirm Due Date was removed after Read Confirmation notifications were already sent to users
- Fixed a bad data issue caused when documents set to be Read & Confirm were deleted
- Prevented the Logout button to be shown under the user profile picture when the system is set to Windows Authentication
- Prevented an issue where users without permissions could potentially create, edit or delete training sessions
Version 14.5.4 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch fixed several issues
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
- Fixed an issue that prevented reinstated users to log in
- Option to manage folders was missing from the Toolbar for users with the appropriate permissions
- Reset Password link now expires after 72 Hours
- Fixed an issue where the Assets Tab was not showing up on the Admin area for Site Owners
Active Directory
- Fixed error where Admin users synced from Active Directory would get an error after upgrading to version 14.5 from 14.0
- Fixed an issue with the approval workflow when the recipient was set to 'Supervisor' and the submitting user had no supervisor
- Fixed an error that occurred when clicking on the Review tab for Apps in Secured Sites
- Fixed an error where the archived items were not accessible in Buy and Sell Apps
- Fixed an error that occurred when trying to Add items to an app when the App's Home Page Layout was set to 'Content'
Company Store
- Fixed an error when clicking on tags
- Prevented AJAX error when saving global site layout
- Fixed an issue where Mega Menu items would disappear when resizing the browser and site was set to Expand to Browser
- Fixed an issue where Title would display even though it was set to be hidden when on the Anniversary and Birthday views
- Fixed an error when exporting filtered responses
- Fixed an issue where Private Fields were visible on the Response Table View
- Fixed an issue where Additional Approval Managers weren't receiving site alerts
Photo Gallery
- Fixed an issue that prevented users to edit photo details
- Fixed an issue that occurred when uploading more than 10 pictures at a time
- Fixed an issue where it was not possible to delete employees through the option under the Admin Icon
- Fixed an issue where the Subscribe Details Link was not working through the option under the Admin Icon <!--[endif]-->
- Fixed an issue where HTML tags were being displayed for notifications under the Updates Icon
- Fixed an issue where the submit button wouldn't work on the Quick Poll widgets when the widget was on the site navigation menu
- Fixed an issue where the Anniversary field would display in the wrong column of the Employee Profile Widget
Version 14.5.3 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- This patch focuses on the removal of all Weather widgets within your intranet, as well as the option available to create a new weather widget
- To learn more about this change, as well as suggested alternatives, please refer to our Weather Widget will be Deprecated article
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Versions of Microsoft IE (11 and below) will encounter layout problems and are not supported.
For any hotfixes you've already applied in 14.5.2, you'll need to reinstall them after applying the patch. Please contact our Support team ( with the hotfix number(s) currently applied to your Intranet so that you can receive the updated version.
Version 14.5.2 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Fixed an issue where portrait images taken with mobile devices would be rotated to landscape
- Fixed an issue where Storyboard was showing on all pages for each site it was enabled on
- Fixed an issue where disabled AD synced users weren't properly reinstated in the Intranet
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, IE11, and Edge. Versions of Microsoft IE (10 and below) will encounter layout problems.
- Fixed a link to the Scheduled Tasks Article
Active Directory
- Fixed issue where previously disabled Active Directory users were not reinstated after re-enabling them on AD
- Prevented error when anonymous user added items to an App with Global Add Permissions
- Improved a usability behavior when editing an advertised item
- Fixed an error when saving Read Confirmation date as a non-admin user
Design / Themes
- Removed deprecated Design tab content
- Fixed an issue where users could still update their Status messages from the Toolbar when the function was disabled
- Fixed an issue where the form submission date was incorrectly set to the date when the form was first saved as draft
- Fixed an issue where submitting users were able to see their form submission approval history when they have no permission to view it
Photo Gallery
- Fixed an issue where portrait images taken with mobile devices would be rotated to landscape
- Fixed an issue where Ajax messages were visible in the browser
- Fixed an issue when an Appbuilder Item had a name that exceeded 255 characters
- Fixed an issue where the Stats data wouldn’t load after a department error occurred in the Stats logs
- Improved a process for Stats to detect the appropriate root folder on the web server
- Changed a process where the original uploaded video file from a Story is now deleted from the server when a replacement video is added to the same story
- Added limitations for video file uploads to the Add/Edit Story screen
- Changed the behavior to only show Storyboard on a Site’s home page
- Modified the Theme option to only display for the Home Site and any Sites using the Home Site’s theme
Version 14.5.1 Patch Notes
Patch Highlights
- Users can now upload their own videos to the Storyboard
- You can now assign the Elevated Right of 'Stats Viewer' to users
- Videos in the Storyboard will now stop playback when a different video is played or an arrow in the carousel is clicked
- Removed the ability to add Flash Widgets
- Removed the Tutorial Builder feature
- Prevented Build Tool Dialog layout issues
Note: This patch release is for supported browsers Chrome, Firefox, IE11, and Edge. Versions of Microsoft IE (10 and below) will encounter layout problems.
- Added a Stats Viewer elevated permission
- Segregated the App Options from the Site Options in the Admin Icon drop-down menu
- Tutorial Builder feature was removed
- Added the User Permissions Report to the Logins Panel in the Security Settings
- Added the Group Permissions Report to the Groups Panel in the Security Settings
- Updated the elevated rights description for the Administrator users
- Exposed where the document files are physically stored in the server
- Updated the Advertising Options description for Applications
- Fixed a Login Redirect issue with users synced from Active Directory
- Prevented an issue where disabled users would still stay logged in the Intranet
- Prevented the Active Directory Synchronization process to be stopped if the system encounters an error with one of the synced users
- Fixed an error where one of the columns would not be shown when App Homepage was set to List View
Design / Themes
- Prevented an issue where the Site Width changed in the Simple Theme Editor would not be updated in the Advanced Theme Editor.
- Usability enhancement when there is no default start and end time for new events.
- Fixed an issue where users were incorrectly listed as not having submitted a form response
Insights / Stats
- Fixed an issue when loading users with long first and last names
Menu / Navigation
- Prevented an issue where the section spacing on the left navigation menu could not be changed
- In the Advanced Theme Editor, Administrators can set the Section Spacing for the Site Navigation in the left column of their sites. This setting was not being respected in previous versions. This can be accessed by navigating to Themes: Menu Frame: Style menu boxes from the right menu within the Advanced Editor.
- Fixed an issue where Page or Site owners could not access their properties
- Consistent behavior when clicking PDF items in the Search Results Page
- Now users can upload their videos to the Intranet Server
- Fixed an issue where anonymous users could not see the Storyboard
- Storyboard icon in the Toolbar is also visible in the ‘View All Stories’ page
- Video in the Storyboard now stops playing automatically if the user clicks to play another video
- A video in the Storyboard stops playing automatically if the user clicks one of the arrows of the carousel to see the next set of stories
- Prevented an issue when clicking ‘Edit all stories’ if there were no stories added to a Site
- Removed the ability to add Flash Widgets
- Contextual help message when adding a widget is now shown on hover
- Improvement in the contextual help message for menu widgets
- Prevented an issue where the Build Tool dialog window could get cut off
- Fixed layout issues when sharing content in the Wall Post Widgets