To successfully restore the intranet, you need to restore both the intranet files and the database. If the server hosting the site is a virtual machine and the backup process followed was taking a snapshot of the server, then the restore process is simply reverting to the snapshot.
It should be noted that if the database is on a separate server than the web server, then that would also have to be restored.
Restore Intranet Files
- Log into the Intranet
- Click on Admin
- Scroll to the bottom of the page
- Locate the ‘Drive Location’ in the Intranet Application column of the System Information section
- This is the location you will restore the backup of these files to
Additional Intranet Files
- Log into the Intranet
- Click on Admin > Security
- Click File Migration Utility
- If you have files in an alternate location, you will see this location listed under Step One
- This is the location you will restore the backup of these files to
- Open Services and stop the Railo Server or Lucee service and the World Wide Web Publishing service.
- Restore the files to the locations noted above
Restore Database
- Log into your database using SQL Management Studio
- You can determine where your database is installed by logging into Railo (HTTP://YOURSERVERNAME/railo-context/admin/web.cfm) or Lucee (HTTP://YOURSERVERNAME/lucee/admin/web.cfm), click on Datasource under Services, click the pencil icon at the end of the entry
- Expand Databases
- Right click IntranetConnections
- Select Tasks
- Select Restore
- Select Database
- Choose Device and click the … (ellipses)
- Click Add and browse to the backup file
- You may need to change the file type in the pop up to ‘all files’ to see your backup
- Click OK
- Select Options
- Check the box beside Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE)
- Click OK and the restore will run
- After the restore is finished, right click on IntranetConnections (the database) and select New Query
- Paste the following and then click execute
exec sp_change_users_login 'auto_fix','intranetconnections';
If this is restored to a new server, you will need to create the IntranetConnections user in the database first.