Schedule tasks not running
Scheduled Tasks is under Admin on the Setup Tab, and includes System Tasks, Web Services, Active Directory Sync (these are all on one page as of Version 13.5.5). On this page, you can ensure the scheduled tasks are operating correctly, see when a task was last run and is expected to run again, see what it does, and pause the task. You also have the ability to add the proxy details in for the Web Services component.
If your scheduled task screen shows there's a problem or if it seems the scheduled tasks aren't running, there are a few steps you can complete prior to contacting Support:
- Permissions may need to be added in IIS for the Scheduled Folder - review the 'Intranet Connections Could Not Run Its Scheduled Process' section.
- If you're running version 13.5.x or higher, anonymous authentication needs to be enabled on the Intranet folder and all sub folders to be successful
- Lucee may need to be updated to the latest version - review how to Update Lucee in the 'Railo/Lucee Configuration' article
- Your Intranet may need to be updated to the latest patch.
- Your Intranet web location may not be accurate:
- Click Admin and check the bottom of the screen does not show the ‘update locations’ button or anything in red.
- If ‘update locations’ is showing, and the web location does not read “…/localhost/…”, click the button to update the location
- If ‘update locations’ is showing and the web location reads “…/localhost/…”, please send a screenshot of this to the Support Team at for advice and troubleshooting assistance
- Scheduled Task process may not be communicating with Lucee
- Navigate on the web server to the WEB-INF\Lucee\logs folder and locate the scheduler.log and the exception.log files
- Please send these logs to for further review
- You may need to update a couple of files on the web server:
- Download the Lucee update zip file and unzip it
- Backup the Lucee\Lib folder (Location: C:\Lucee\Lib or C:\SQbox\Lucee\Lib)
- Stop the Lucee service
- Copy the files from the unzipped download to C:\SQbox\Lucee\Lib and select to overwrite the existing files
- Restart Lucee service
- You may need to add your SSL certificate into Lucee following the instructions in the 'Enable SSL (HTTPS)' article.
After this, if your scheduled task is still not functioning as expected, please send screenshots of the Scheduled Tasks page from the Intranet along with the Scheduled Tasks page from Lucee Web Admin to
Troubleshooting "Intranet Connections could not run it's scheduled process" error.
You may see the following error in Admin > Setup or Admin > Scheduled Tasks

This error indicates that the scheduled tasks used to send alerts or run site cleanup tasks are currently non-operational. To resolve this, you will need to alter the security for the subfolder "Scheduled" to allow Anonymous access.
- Open IIS Manager on the web server
- Expand the left side until you can see the scheduled folder inside the intranet folder
- Click on the Scheduled folder
- Double click on the Authentication icon in the center pane
- Enable Anonymous authentication and disable Windows authentication
- Go back to the Admin page on the Intranet
- Click [run] beside the scheduled task; the error should not reappear
If you continue to experience the issue after making the authentication changes then it may be possible that your site is experiencing an issue with loopback protection in IIS. This is most commonly experienced on sites using fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) such as as opposed to a friendly DNS or server name like http://intranet. In either case, follow either Method 1 or Method 2 (depending on your preference) outlined in the Microsoft article You receive error 401.1 when you browse a website to resolve the issue.
Steps for IIS 6:
- Open IIS Manager on the web server
- Expand the nodes in the left pane
- Locate and expand the Intranet container
- Right-click the ../Intranet/Scheduled/ sub-folder and choose properties
- Click on Directory Security, and select edit
- Enable Anonymous access
- On the intranet site, go to Admin > Site Settings
- Click [run] next to Scheduled Task: failed
- Refresh the page and verify that the issue has been resolved
If you have SSL enabled:
If your site is using https, you must ensure your certificate is installed in Railo/Lucee for it to run as per the schedule.
Install certificate into Railo/Lucee. You can use the Railo/Lucee Server Administrator to import the SSL certificate into Railo/Lucee.
- Navigate to the Railo/Lucee Server Administrator by going to the following link:
- http://<server name>/railo-context/admin/server.cfm or http://<server name>/lucee/admin/server.cfm (Don't know the password?Learn how to reset it)
- In the left menu, under Services, choose SSL Certificates
- Enter the host name of the domain controller that you are trying to connect to. The default is port 443 for the intranet site, and 636 for LDAPS.
- Click install.
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