Depending on your site database recovery model, you may encounter issues with excessive log growth. If your database recovery model is set to FULL, it is essential to schedule regular backups of your transaction log to ensure the transaction log is emptied of unnecessary items.
To determine your database Recovery Model setting, right click on the database in SQL Management Studio and choose Properties > Options.

Database Recovery Methods
If your intended database recovery method will be to restore from the most recent database backup and database backups are being performed regularly, the recommended recovery method is SIMPLE. SIMPLE will limit log growth as many unneeded entries can be recycled without growing the log. You should still monitor the log file size on a regular basis to ensure it is not growing significantly.
If your intended recovery method includes restoring the database to a point in time between scheduled database backups, you should choose FULL. Databases with Full Recovery Model must have scheduled regular database maintenance which includes transaction log backups. Review the Microsoft article Back Up a Tranaction Log (SQL Server).
Additional Resources on Transaction Log Backups