Your URL provides you with database location information for your applications and items.
Every application or App has an appID. When you navigate to an application, you'll see the appID in the URL, which corresponds to the database table for this item. Each appID has a corresponding set of tables in the database, as follows:
Documents: intranet/Apps/view.cfm?appID=5019
Forms: /intranet/Forms/view.cfm?appID=7
Training Calendar: intranet/Training/view.cfm?appID=10
News on a sub-site: intranet/Apps/view_items.cfm?menuID=2000047
Folders and Categories
Your folders and categories have an ID as well to help you further isolate the information in the database. You can use this to filter data found in the corresponding table.
Document Folder: /intranet/Apps/view_items.cfm?MenuID=5019&CategoryID=1
Formbuilder Folder: intranet/Forms/view_items.cfm?MenuID=7&CategoryID=1
Training Calendar Category: intranet/Training/view.cfm?MenuID=10&CategoryID=2
News on a sub-site Folder: intranet/Apps/view_items.cfm?MenuID=2000047&CategoryID=2
Each item also has its own ID to help isolate data further. You can use this to filter data found in the corresponding table.
Document: intranet/Apps/detail_view.cfm?MenuID=5019&CategoryID=1&ID=8
Form: intranet/forms/viewform.cfm?formID=5
Training Calendar: /intranet/Training/view.cfm?MenuID=10§ion=course_view&CategoryID=1&ID=8
News on a sub-site: intranet/Apps/detail_view.cfm?MenuID=2000047&CategoryID=1&ID=1
Data Dictionary
To access a complete Data Dictionary of all tables within the Intranet Connections database, check out our IC Data Dictionary.pdf. You'll be prompted for the following information:
- Login - primary contact’s email address, typically the person responsible for contacting Intranet Connections for support
- Password - serial number of your product found on the Setup tab in the Admin section
Locate Tables
To find the corresponding tables for a given application, you can use the following code:
<!--- start code --->
<cfquery name="getdata" datasource="#application.config.DSN#">
Select Tablename1, Tablename2, Tablename3, Tablename4, Tablename5, Tablename6, Tablename7, Tablename8, Tablename9, Tablename10, FilefolderName from MenuCategories where MenuID = 6
<cfdump var="#getdata#">
<!---end code --->
You'll need to replace the MenuID listed above with the specific MenuID for the item you are investigating.
You can run the above query by copying the contents to Admin > Execute Custom Code and clicking execute. You should see something similar to the following as a result:
Tablename1 contains the primary items table for the application.
Tablename2 contains the folder or category values.
The files associated with the application are in the location shown in FilefolderName. This location is on the web server.