By default, your search index is stored on the C:\. As you continue to add content to your intranet, the size of the search index will increase.
If there isn’t sufficient space on the C:\ you can move the search index to another drive as follows:
- Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges
- Change to C:\elasticsearch\bin
- Type “C:\elasticsearch\bin\service.bat remove’ to uninstall the ElasticSearch service
- Close the Command Prompt (to prevent issues moving folder in next step)
- Copy the entire C:\elasticsearch directory to another location, for example G:
- Open a Command Prompt with Administrator privileges.
- Change to the directory where the elasticsearch folder was copied to (G:\elasticsearch\bin)
- Type ‘G:\elasticsearch\bin\service.bat install’ to reinstall the ElasticSearch service
- Type ‘G:\elasticsearch\bin\service.bat start’ to start the service
- In the intranet, restart the application to re-establish the connection to search:
- Click Admin, and choose Setup
- Near the bottom of the page, under Intranet Application click [restart]