You've just patched or upgraded your intranet and you see the following error:
Error: key [CBBOOTSTRAP] doesn't exist
Template: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Intranet\Application.cfc
Error on line: 675 in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Intranet\Application.cfc
Type: expression

It is safe to ignore this message; refresh the page to clear.
CBBoostrap is the storage key for the coldbox application used in versions 13.0 and 13.5. When the intranet application initializes, the cbbootstrap is created and requests are subsequently routed through coldbox thereafter.
Occasionally, this value is re-initialized when the application is restarted within the admin and/or when the onApplicationStart() method is triggered. If a simultaneous request is made before the initialization is complete, you will encounter this error.
Typically, a page refresh is all that is needed to continue using the Intranet.