When trying to apply a patch, it is not working and you see:
ColdBox controller does not exist as application.cbController
The coldbox controller does not exist in application scope. Most likely the application has not been initialized.
The Error Occurred in
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\coldbox\system\ioc\ColdboxFactory.cfc: line 50
48: <!--- Check App Config --->
49: <cfif not structKeyExists(application,coldboxAppKey)>
50: <cfthrow message="ColdBox controller does not exist as application.#variables.coldboxAppKey#" detail="The coldbox controller does not exist in application scope. Most likely the application has not been initialized.">
51: </cfif>
52: called from /Intranet/Application.cfc: line 862
That error is related to the INTRANETROOT appsetting being incorrect. The most common cause is exporting a database and importing it with the software being installed in a different path than the original server. Restarting the app will rebuild the application state giving it a proper intranet root.
To restart the application, click on Admin and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click [restart] beside SQBOX to restart the application and clear any application cache.