There's an option in Intranet Connections to store all files outside of the default C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Intranet folder tree. This is normally done either for security reasons, or to have large files placed on a different drive.
Running the File Migration Utility does two things:
- Starts the step-by-step wizard to help you migrate the existing uploaded files
- Tells the system to store all newly uploaded files into the new folder
Before Running the Utility
Before you begin, you must ensure that the process the Intranet web site runs under has modify permissions to the new folder. Often this requires giving the IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool identity modify access permissions, under security permissions for the folder.
Make a full backup of your intranet folder before proceeding (note that this is separate from the source and destination folder).
Start the Process
To start the File Migration Utility, go to the Admin area and click the Security tab. In the Advanced Settings section, click File Migration Utility.
Once clicked, a set of onscreen instructions will be provided, which outlines the details of:
- Step One: Maintenance Mode - puts the intranet into maintenance mode to prevent users from uploading new documents during the migration
- Step Two: Backup/Copy/Paste the intranet directory
- Step Three: Verification & Confirmation of new location
During the process you will be required to provide the location of the new directory, such as D:\IntranetFiles.
After Running File Migration Utility
After the File Migration Utility is complete, all links in your intranet should now point to the files in the new folder. In addition, any new files will also be placed in the folder.
While the File Migration Utility is supposed to delete all files that have been migrated, it is recommended you double check that files have been removed. If files were manually copied into the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Intranet folder tree, or uploaded using the Intranet but then the database was stored to an earlier version, there may be orphaned files the file migration utility is unable to detect.